Polyethylene Encasement

V-Bio® enhanced polyethylene encasement offers the addition of a corrosion inhibitor and an anti-microbial component to provide active corrosion control for the protection of Ductile iron pipe where anticipated soil conditions warrant.

vbio pipe Closeup

Coatings and Linings

Today's Ductile iron pipes are manufactured with the standard cement-mortar lining and provided with a black shop coating. Where conditions warrant, V-Bio® enhanced polyethylene encasement provides a betterment to the already successful traditional polyethylene encasement that has been protecting iron pipe since 1958. In addition, in the more aggressive conditions, a metallized zinc coating is available.
Coatings & Linings

Cement-Mortar Lining

The standard lining for Ductile iron pipe is the proven cement-mortar lining on the inside of the pipe, to mitigate corrosion. This lining has provided protection for the interior of the pipe from aggressive waters while also improving the flow characteristics of Ductile iron pipe since its first use nearly 100 years ago in Charleston, SC.

Read about Ductile iron pipe and cement-mortar lining here.

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