
Don’t take DIPRA’s word that Ductile iron pipe is the superior material in the world today, here from industry leaders you have experienced all of the benefits of Ductile iron pipe in your community’s water infrastructure.

"There are a multitude of factors that go into pipe selection, and that decision should not be based solely on a mandate dictating a pipe material based on its perceived cost… the local experts know best what materials will work for their unique circumstance."

  - Kathy Maness, President of the National League of Cities

“We have not had any instances of failure with Ductile Iron Pipe since we started using it in the 1970s.” 

  - Chandrika Winston, Manager, Memphis Light, Gas and Water, Memphis TN 

“We had the lowest amount of main breaks per mile in Montana. Ductile iron has proven itself to be the pipe of choice.” 

  - John Alston, Public Service Water and Sewer Superintendent, 
    Bozeman Water and Sewer Department, Bozeman, MT 

“Being fiscally responsible means looking at the cost of the entire project, which includes looking at the projected durability and length of service we can expect from pipes and other materials. And the cost to the community.”

  - Mark Sensmeier, engineering professor, Prescott Valley, AZ 

“DIPRA provides the expertise we need for our day-to-day operations, and planning for the future.” 

  - Kanwal Oberoi, P.Eng., Director of Water Distribution, Charleston 
    Water System, Charleston, SC

“We choose Ductile over PVC and the other plastics because we have confidence in how we can do the maintenance on it—being able to tap it without shattering the pipe.” 

  - Anthony Geiss, Deputy Exec. Director, Onondaga County 
    Water Authority, Syracuse, NY 

“Our crews prefer to tap Ductile iron pipe over other pipe materials due to the fact that the pipe wall is thicker and will hold the threads tighter.” 

  - Gregg Loesch, Utilities Engineer, Akron Water Bureau, Akron, OH 

“We really don’t have pipe materials out there at this point that match the strength of Ductile iron pipe.”

  - Patrick Sherlock, Water Systems Construction Engineer, 
    Onondaga County Water Authority, Syracuse, NY

"I am always thinking of what's best for my community. And what's best is that we use strong, durable pipes that deliver clean drinking water for a century.”    

  - Kevin Hardiman, Town Engineer, Tewksbury, MA 

"Community specific solutions are necessary to apply funding in most economical and advantageous ways- for water infrastructure as well as other utility needs." 

  - Jim Schmitt, former mayor of Green Bay, WI 

“In my 33 years in the water infrastructure industry, I have not found any material stronger than Ductile iron pipe.” 

  - Gregg Loesch, Utilities Engineer, Akron Water Bureau, Akron, OH 

“We’ve done a cost analysis, and looked at what our costs are for maintenance, inspection, locating, and we believe that Ductile iron is the cheapest way to go when you look at the lifetime of the material.”

  - Geoffrey Miller, Executive Engineer, 
    Onondaga County Water Authority, Syracuse, NY

“I hope that lawmakers and other stakeholders will agree that the materials that are used to update critical infrastructure like our water systems are safe, resilient, and future-proof.” 

  - Brita Horn, VP of the Colorado State Fire Chiefs Association and Fire Chief 
    for the Rock Creek Volunteer Fire Dept.

“I implore Congress on behalf of all of my colleagues: Please do not make our jobs more deadly by forcing more plastic into infrastructure projects by giving the plastics industry a handout from Uncle Sam.”

  - Kevin O'Connor, Past chair of the Congressional Fire Service Institute 
  and a former firefighter/EMT in Baltimore County, The Washington Times

“We defiantly live in an age of green technology, green infrastructure, things that are environmentally friendly, and Ductile iron pipe in itself is a green technology its made of recycled materials."

  - Patrick Sherlock, Water Systems Construction Engineer, Onondaga County Water 
    Authority, Syracuse, NY

“We really don’t have pipe materials out there at this point that match te strength of Ductile iron pipe.”

  - Patrick Sherlock, Water Systems Construction Engineer, Onondaga 
    County Water Authority, Syracuse, NY

"We have to look out for value for our residents, and we think that Ductile iron pipe gives us 100 to 125 years of value vs. other materials that will not come close to that longevity."

  - Michael Milhiser, Director, Monte Vista Water District, Montclair, CA

"There are few things in life that are certain, but one of them here in my hometown of Prescott, AZ is the fact that most of our buildings are built on hard rock like granite, making the resilience of our buried infrastructure even more important than it may be in other locations who don’t have to deal with such conditions."

  - Kathey Rusing, City Council Member, Prescott, AZ

"We believe that Ductile iron pipe is the best, and it's just far and above better than the other materials available these days."

  - Geoffrey Miller, Executive Engineer, Onondaga County Water Authority, Syracuse, NY