
Support The Issues

Material preference legislation continues to fail at the local and national levels because engineers, utilities, contractors, architects, public entities and the business community have stood together to oppose this effort by the plastic pipe industry, which would come at the expense of local and professional control over water projects.

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Given the significant resources that are being expended for this effort, it is important that we work together. Here are some steps to assist in this effort:

  1. If you hear of developments at the federal, state or local level related to this effort or if you would like more information, please contact us.
  2. Reach out to your elected leaders to let each know about your views of opposition and the harm this would bring to long-term, clean water delivery infrastructure.
  • Find Your Senators: Click here for information on how to contact the lawmakers currently serving in the U.S. Senate for your state.
  • Find Your Representatives: Click here for information on how to contact the lawmakers currently serving in the U.S. House of Representatives for your area.
  • Find Your State Elected Officials: Click here for information on how to contact the elected officials on a state level who represent you.
  1. Contact key trade associations, businesses dependent on a reliable water supply, business groups and civic leaders in your state or region so that each can understand this issue and your concerns.

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