About Ductile Iron Pipe

Ductile Iron Pipe: Strength and Durability for LiFe

Since its introduction into the marketplace in 1955, Ductile iron pipe has been recognized as the industry standard for modern water and wastewater systems. More than five decades of field experience have proven its strength, durability, and reliability for transporting raw and potable water, sewage, slurries, and process chemicals.

Ductile iron pipe resists damage during shipping and handling. Once installed, it withstands the most demanding operating conditions, including water hammer, frozen ground, deep trenches, areas with high water tables, heavy traffic, rocky trenches, and areas of shifting, expansive, and unstable soils.

Click here to access DIPRA’s Benefits of Ductile Iron Pipe fact sheet .

Ductile iron on train
The Value of Ductile Iron Pipe
With an anticipated service life of 100+ years, Ductile iron pipe is the most cost-effective material over a pipeline’s service life vs. other materials.
St Louis Ductile iron pipe
Proven Resilience
Ductile iron pipe delivers generations of clean water delivery for communities across the nation.
Forging Ductile iron pipe
Sustainable Material
With up to 90% recycled content, Ductile iron pipe is the smart, sustainable solution for delivering clean water to communities. Ductile iron pipes are natural, safe, and sustainable. Ductile iron pipes contain at least 90% recycled materials with the pipes themselves being 100% recyclable.
Suburban community
Environmental Benefits
Ductile iron pipe is made to last 100+ years, and is environmentally preferable over synthetic pipe materials, both in its recycled content and its own recyclability.
Crew install large Ductile iron pipe
This strong, safe and reliable product has the longevity to last 100+ years.
engineering tools
Safety in Manufacturing and In the Field
Ductile iron is safe to manufacture, safe to install and safe for communities to provide safe clean drinking water for generations.
glass of water
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